"Tel Hadidas" 'n Solo uitstalling Deur Helena Fourie, by die Tina Skukan Gallery: Sondag 18 Oktober 2015 - 27 November 2015
Die gewaarwording van wins en verlies sal sekerlik eers sy volle betreklikheid hê in die bewustwording van die wyse waarop identiteit ontwortel is en die onvermydelike taak om hierdie dinamiek in vorige en huidige omgewings te balanseer. Derhalwe tel mens die dae, maande en jare voor en na die afloop van ’n geleentheid. Sodanig word ’n mislukte bewussynsmodis herstel en die potensiaal van radikale transformasie herken.
Die Hadida staan sentraal en is as onderwerp gekies vanweë sy luidrugtige dagbreek - en aandskemerroep wat van die mees karakteristieke klanke van Pretoria is. Die beskermingstatus van die Hadida word geëvalueer as die minste kommerwekkende op die IUCN Rooilys van bedreigde spesies.
As gevolg van hierdie onbedreigde status is dit miskien teenproduktief om Hadidagetalle te bepaal maar met sy luide stem het die Hadida homself bewustelik in my herinneringe gevestig. Nie verlore of gevind nie, maar getransformeer as ’n konstante krag.
Press Release
"Counting Hadedas" Helena Fourie's solo Exhibition at the Tina Skukan Gallery: Sunday 18 October 2015 - 27 November 2015
One shall perhaps only perceive the true meaning of what has been lost and found by becoming conscious of the dynamics by which ones identity has been displaced, and of the consequences now posted to the balance of forces within ones current and previous environment. Thus counting- counting the days, months and years, before and after an event. Restoring a failing mode of consciousness and recognising the potential of radical transformation.
The Hadeda takes central stage and is chosen as a subject because its loud, dawn and dusk calling one of the most characteristic sounds of Pretoria. The conservation status of the Hadeda is evaluated as ‘least concern’ , on the IUCN Red List of threatened species.
Because of this unthreatened status it is perhaps counterproductive to count Hadedas. With its loud voice the Hadeda has fixed itself consciously in my memory. Neither lost or found, but transformed as a constant force.